Mandatory Equipment For Players:
- CSA approved hockey helmet with full facial protection
- Approved hockey style gloves
- Athletic support (jock or jill)
- Soccer style shin guards
- Running shoes
- Wooden or composite hockey stick
Optional Equipment For Players:
- Mouth guard
- Soft elbow pads
- Soft knee pads
- Hockey Pants for Goalies only (recommended)
Mandatory Equipment For Goaltenders:
- CSA approved Goalie mask or hockey helmet with full facial protection
- Goalie pads
- Arm and chest protector
- Blocker and catcher
- Running shoes
- Wooden or composite goalie stick
Prohibited Equipment:
- Shoulder pads
- Hockey style hard elbow pads
- Hockey style hard shin guards
- Non ice hockey style hockey gloves
- Street hockey goalie masks
- Push-on plastic blades
- The league supplies jersey's only
- The league supplies goalie equipment should a player not have their own
- Players must supply their own shorts/pants
- Shin guards must be covered with socks
- If elbow pads are worn they must be covered by the jersey